Additional Insights from Previous Article, “Justice for the Victims of the USS Liberty & More”

In my previous article, I encouraged people to do some digging and learn more about the history of Israel, Hamas and US/Israel relations. As a starter into this area of discovery, below is a 12-minute presentation delivered by Israeli journalist, academic and author, Gideon Levy, speaking in a debate at the Oxford Union, where he is arguing about the futility of the proposed “2-State Solution”.

In the above 2016 debate at the Oxford Union, Gideon Levy, who was originally and advocate of the two-state solution, argues against the implementation of the two-state solution. He argues that it would no longer be achievable because of the degree to which there have been illegal settlements of Jewish communities in the occupied territories in the West Bank and The Gaza Strip. (A position he still maintains). I found Levy’s revelation to be supporting evidence of the method used in the past by colonial nations in settled lands. Illegal/ immoral occupation of indigenous lands by state sponsored settlers who are used as weapon to advance a territory expanding agenda. You can certainly observe such a process in American history through the Native American Holocaust, as one example. In this case it is the agenda of Israeli annexation of Palestinian territory.

Through similar forms of narrative control to today, the prevailing political parties of the past and their low-tech lapdog media of the time, were able to condition the entire nation to see the atrocities against the settlers as unprovoked and worthy of severe retaliations. The nation and the world stood by and watched as their government sponsored genocide played out, as it did all over the modern world. To this day, those atrocities remain mired in various forms of narrative spin; now so mired in bullshit that modern nations, like Canada, can even admit to committing genocide while they absolve themselves of any consequence. Compare and contrast this with the Jewish Holocaust that is being used to inflict more genocide on the people of Occupied Palestine.

100-200 years on, nothing has changed. We continue to worship the perpetrators of those previous genocidal crimes who then, as now, were given prominent platforms to speak from and unequal access to the mainstream media. Through these mechanisms, they were able to control the narratives and maintain their legacy of lies that persist to this day.

“I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every 10 are,” “And I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”

Roosevelt statements at a January 1886 speech in New York.

But I Digress Back to the Original Topic…

Given the extent to which Benyamin Netanyahu is being given negative press in the media, it’s not likely that his legacy will be similar to his equally as psychotic genocidal colonial predecessor, Teddy Roosevelt. Perhaps, it’s likely that the history books will paint him as a villain, more closely resembling TR’s American Eugenics society inspired genocidal equivalent in Germany; the guy whose cartoonish, super villain persona is used as cover for a much more sophisticated process of international state and corporate sponsored genocide.

So just how will history remember your favorite psychopaths?

Additional Information:

  • To see how Canada uses perception management to marginalize and condone their participation in the ongoing crime of genocide, I encourage readers to investigate the work of defrocked Catholic priest, Kevin Annett, and read his book, Murder by Decree. (Book Description- “Murder by Decree is an uncensored record of the planned extermination of indigenous children in Canada’s murderous “Indian residential schools”. It is issued as a corrective Counter Report to the miscarriage of justice by Church and State known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)”.) The little-known history of Kevin, born of his work as a Priest at a church in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, provides a fascinating glimpse into what happens when someone peels back the layers to see what is really going on and is willing to selflessly speak the truth. The reaction from the institutions of Church and State to his discoveries in the mid-90’s reveals just how invested governments, churches and state sponsored human rights organizations are in maintaining a facade’ of care and concern for humanity, as they continue to absolve themselves of the crimes of genocide. The comparison to what is taking place in the Palestinian territories under Israeli apartheid couldn’t be more appropriate. (The video below starts at a section in the documentary film about Kevin Annett’s experience where he speaks about the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. The work of that tribunal made its way to the United Nations where, as near as I can tell, has been scrubbed from the record).
  • The book “Conservation Refugees” by Mark Dowie provides a great deal of insight into the way the global campaign to conserve nature and wildlife is used to marginalize and displace native populations around the world and ultimately monetize all living things. In so many ways, institutions are used to take the best aspirations of humanity and channel it into something that is ultimately inhumane and reduce to possession all forms of life and real-estate.

Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples- “How native people—from the Miwoks of Yosemite to the Maasai of eastern Africa—have been displaced from their lands in the name of conservation.”

By Mark Dowie
  • The book, Native America Discovered and Conquered is a fascinating read on the history of the Roman Catholic Church and the Doctrines of Discovery that made “legitimate” the invasion of Africa, American and many other lands. (Perhaps this is similar in some ways to the Belfour Declaration?). What was most fascinating about this book is that I found it at a museum at a Catholic Monastery, not far from the Nez Perce historical museum where no such book that is even close to as revelatory exists. Because of where I found it, I considered this to be encouraging to the prospects of true humanity and common decency.


Robert J. Miller’s book examines the legal history of the “doctrine of discovery,” the Lewis and Clark expedition, and U.S. claims to the Pacific Northwest. After a short introduction that defines the doctrine of discovery, he develops his argument in three stages. First, he outlines the history of discovery as articulated in medieval and early modern Europe and in colonial America and the early national United States. Next, he focuses on Thomas Jefferson, marshalling voluminous documentary evidence to detail Jefferson’s views of U.S. government authority over Indians and Indian territory; he discusses the contradiction between Jefferson’s idealistic vision of Indians and his actions, which promoted aggressive acquisition of Indian lands and removal or outright extermination of Indians. Finally, the author analyzes the Lewis and Clark expedition as a manifestation of discovery and systematically describes how discovery was applied to the Oregon country between 1803 and 1855. At the end of the book, Miller briefly sketches out the subsequent application of the discovery doctrine in U.S. Indian law through 2005 and explains the ramifications of the book’s findings.

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