A Probing Critique of “The Terminal List”

Below is the preview to the new Amazon hit series The Terminal List; a series based on the book written by retired Navy SEAL Jack, Carr.

I just finished watching the series and I absolutely LOVED it! As a former west-coast SEAL it has been enjoyable to see some of the familiar areas where I lived and worked. As a story from my favorite movie genre’, I appreciate the content and the quality of the work. I most appreciate the attention to details with regards to weapons handling, hand to hand combat and tactical operations. I also appreciated the attention to detail in the situations the protagonist finds himself in and the tactics he employs to deal with these situations. (Well…the disemboweling with the hatchet was a bit much for me). All in all, I say this production was extremely well done! I think the cadre’ of consultants, including Jack Carr, did an excellent job with making this show more authentic than most. Very creative story and, aside from a few stretches of the imagination, it came across as somewhat plausible. (In some significant and extremely concerning ways, maybe more plausible than most people are willing to consider).

The storyline itself touches on many of the same criticisms I have with the mechanisms of politics and abuse of power and its influence on military actions, along with domestic and foreign policy in general. The industry influences, represented by Capstone Industries in the show, are a significant factor in the Terminal List and very much so out here in the real world (KBR, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, along with private security contractors like Blackwater/Xe/Academi, Triple Canopy, Greystone and many others). The creative inclusion of experimental drug research on US soldiers in the show, under emergency MOU’s, is also reflected in the real world. Out here it is companies like Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, Baer/IG Farben that use tenuous Memorandums of Understanding and other authorizations granted by US policy makers, through consultation with captured agencies such as the CDC and the FDA. We see evidence of these kinds of experimentations in the fairly recent case of Anthrax vaccinations, CIA’s project MK-Ultra and in the lesser-known congressional investigation into radiation experimentation. All this is very similar to what we’ve seen over the last two years in the most unambiguous way under covid. The evidence of this is revealed in the lawsuit filed by 35 US Navy SEALs who seek exemptions from the requirement to be injected with the experimental covid drugs.

Not brought up in the Terminal List series, that I think is extremely relevant to US foreign and domestic policies, are the think tank organizations such as AIPAC, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council and so many others. Nor is there any reference to foreign power influences. Policy decisions in the real world are directly influenced by world governing organizations like the UN, WHO, NATO and by other foreign nations. Israel (a nation that, unfortunately, Carr seems to be smitten with) is the nation with the most influence over US policies. There are also the pseudo public/ private organizations, such as the World Economic Forum that direct US policy through Industry influence… all not referenced in the Amazon version of his story but extremely significant in the “real” whirled.

As much as I appreciated the Terminal List Series, in this article I seek to draw comparisons between the show’s protagonist, James Reece, with the real-world exploits of the author of the book series, Jack Carr and other similar former military public figures. Here I will demonstrate the limitations and toxic potential of Carr’s popular podcast and show how I think their exploits are toxic in the way they promote a mythos that is advantages to the national and international power brokers who dictate US policy at home and abroad. Many of the people that Jack Carr and his collogues direct their admiration toward, on their public platforms, are not deserving of that admiration. More-so, it is likely that they would have been on James Reece’s, list in the series.

(A good case in point of this unwarranted admiration is the support Carr and his collogues give to Donald Trump; a public figure who would otherwise be shunned for his actions if it weren’t for that fact that he is the sacred cow of the conservative military populous. Seeing that a tenuous emergency use authorization was a major part of the plot in his book series, you would think Jack Carr would make note of the support for similar actions by Trump during the Covid plandemic. You would think he would also have an interest in weighing in on the situation with his fellow SEAL brethren; those 35 who are fighting against a very real and very tenuous emergency use authorization that is forcing them to be injected with the experimental covid drugs. In the book series, a presidential EUA for an experimental drug may well have put Trump on the Terminal List. It seems like a conversation around this issue would be far more important than a softball interview with Trump’s Attorney General, Bill Barr. Quite the opposite to a sincere and responsible conversation on such matters, In an interview , Carr speaks of having time to write and research on his latest story during the covid “lockdown”. In my limited research into Carr, I have yet to see anything about his position on the unconstitutional and criminal covid mandates. The silence on this and other issue coming from these former military mouthpieces is DEAFENING!).

Back to Reality

Unfortunately, where the show detracts from the real world most is in the Jack Reece character himself. Aside from the fact that nobody is truly that capable, it has been my observation that anyone possessing similar high-level connections and operational capabilities is not authentically interested in setting things right. Instead of writing wrongs and truly serving their fellow soldiers and their country, what they are choosing to serve are the largely contrived interests of their current and former military team members and the war time industries. I say “contrived interests” because there is an unwarranted perception that the US military is infallibly interested in fighting for all our freedoms and that those who participate in it are heroes.

This is what the US public, through all forms of propaganda, are led to believe. While I don’t wish to degrade anyone’s acts of bravery in battle and the sacrifices they’ve made to their fellow soldier in the line of duty (often very heroic), in reality, I would suggest that what our soldiers fight for is their next higher ranking military leaders and their buddies. And their brotherhood in general. Thusly leaving them open to exploitation by the highest-ranking members of the military and the political establishment; an establishment that arrived there by failing forward into it and having enough charisma to and lack of conscience to promote the big lies that maintain the psychopath’s house of card. (I think, as a SEAL community, the primary desire is to be constantly looking for low intensity conflicts in high per diem areas… a mantra that is definitely susceptible to exploitation). It’s the blind belief in the noble aspirations of the military that has made the world more hostile, less secure and more dependent on the psychopaths among the US and world leadership and heads of industry.

I would contend that serving our fighting men and women in the armed forces would be best achieved by questioning the interests of their political and military leadership, on BOTH sides of the isle! Anyone who has anything to do with putting our military in harm’s way is fair game. This is the noble bipartisan effort that James Reece and the probing military reporter do in the Terminal List series. All I see taking place in the real world, with these prominent former military personalities, is the seizing of an opportunity to personally enrich while advancing the narratives that allow for the most egregious abuses of power. The narratives being advanced (from the war on Covid, to the War on Drugs to the War on Terror and more…) continue to result in further victimization of our fighting men and women… and to the abuses of children (as we soon shall see).

Out here in the real world there is nobody, or even a group, within the retired and active special forces community and secret service agencies who are capable or willing to challenge the status quo that allows abuse from on high. (No Smedley Butlers or Pat Tillmans (posthumously) to question these criminal conspirators who continue to act with impunity). I should say there are a few (Lt. Ehren Watada, Ken O’Keefe) but it’s hard to separate the gatekeepers and disinformation agents from those that are truly invested in exposing high level crimes. There are far too few that are refusing to question their orders or carry out crimes for special interests. You will certainly not find any truly dissident voices on the mainstream media platforms such as Faux, CNN, NPR (National Propaganda Radio), YouTube… anywhere big money and foreign interests run the show. At the fringes of these platforms all you get are gatekeepers like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. Unfortunately, this seems to be where these former military spec-ops podcasters also reside.

A Little About the Conservative Military Spin

Out here in the “real” world, I have noticed that the prominent pundits and other voices from both political parties will stick to the contrived ideological perception of the US military as a spreader of democracy and freedom. I contend that this is possible through our indoctrination into the Hegelian Dialectic drivers of the Just War Theory. On the right fringes (where pseudo-intellectuals and former military personalities reside) they advance the perception that our military exploits are most hindered by a failure of leadership on the left. This conditions the conservative masses and military to believe that more success “down range” can be achieved simply by electing and promoting more conservative leaders. This is a dangerous misperception.

Furthermore, it is commonly perceived that exposing high level crimes of politicians and power brokers is being sought through these popular conservative media platforms. In reality they provide useful obscurity by dumbing us down into believing that only one political party is guilty of the crimes that keep us spinning our wheels in our too many foreign occupations and military exploits. A good example is the way they offer criticism to the left leadership who “pulled out of Afghanistan too abruptly” while still never properly investigating the flawed narratives, from both political parties, that put us there in the first place. In so doing they effectively make impotent any effort to hold anyone accountable… for the last 20 years!!

I recently found this interesting 9/11 documentary that sheds light on the reporting of a subsequent hijacking effort the day after 9/11. Truly amazing footage of original reporting of commentary by our current commander in chief, sleepy Joe… completely ignored by the conservative pundits and former-military personalities; like so much that has been uncovered in the wake of the WTC attacks that get bi-partisan ignorance.

These former military mouthpieces refuse to speak to any of this, even when directly confronted. They offer nothing other than retarded slander toward anyone who brings it up. This is true even when legitimate criticism is levied against those that the conservative community abhors… like Creepy Joe Biden!

(We never did see Trump to fulfill his campaign promise to investigate and bring to justice his frenemy, Killary Clinton; least of all for her participation in Benghazi cover-up along with so many other crimes. Maybe he will do that in 2024?? phft!! Why would we still respect such a man and his political appointees when they shit on the graves of the victims of these political failures?).

I see that the conservative propagandists will sometimes “throw us a bone” if it fits the narrative to do so… such as with anti-Islamic non-profit organizations such as Glenn Beck’s Nazarene Fund and Operation Underground Railroad, where they claim to be fighting communism and human trafficking around the world. I would suggest, more importantly, they use the situation of human trafficking, (a massive problem created by the influence of power brokers of all races, religions, political persuasions and industries) to serve the narrative that advances the idea that we are engaged in a holy war between Christianity (perceived to be on the moral right) and Islam (perceived to be morally bankrupt and the primary source of those engaged in human trafficking). This millennia’s-long dialectic perception underlies the narrative advanced by the numerous Christian Zionists and Zionist organizations the world over… (even Muslim Zionists). The process creates a revenue stream that can be directly channeled into private security operations the world over without being scrutinized or accounted for or even reported on in a critical way. (Operations such as White Mountain Research, under the directorship of Rudolph Atallah, is definitely an organization whose efforts around the globe should be scrutinized for its potential to operate covertly in the interest of the problematic foreign policy agendas of our treasonous misleaders and the interest of the war time industries that they most serve. A similar organization on the left is the White Helmuts in Syria.)

The significant problem with such robust campaigns to address human trafficking is that they never address the domestic power brokers among the multi-billion-dollar industries (some likely being the most significant donors to Beck’s Mercury One non-profit organization). I would suggest that many of our most influential domestic power brokers are among those who are most actively involved in human trafficking as wells as being among those providing sponsorships of illegal occupations and criminal campaigns the world over (campaigns that contribute to the conditions that allow for human trafficking… some of it by our own military contractors (like DynCorp) who are operating in foreign countries).

Cynthia McKinney:   Thank you Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the US Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?

The conservative pundits would have you believe that the criminal situation is all a function of the liberal indoctrinations which are a result of campaigns by the left leaning philanthropic institutions, like George Soros’ National Endowment for Democracy. Far from reality, the conservative “go-to” George Soros does not have a corner on the market of toxic philanthropy. (Nor does the billionaires on the right, such as Sheldon Adelson for that matter.) Liberal and conservative leaders alike from all across the world (even Trump) are among the billionaire class who attend WEF and Bilderberg meetings. All are among those within prominent think tank organizations who conspire to advance a global industry control agenda (an agenda rife with “problem-reaction-solution” strategies, such as like we see with the Project for the New American Century and their sponsorship of the 9/11 false flag). Advancing the narratives that some big money interests, like Glenn Beck’s enterprises, and the philanthropic efforts of the billionaire class are truly invested in ending human trafficking and setting things right is a childish perception. Failing to properly scrutinize these individuals and organizations is a huge problem. It remains a blind spot among the former military mouthpieces.

There is ample evidence of high-level crime that could be scrutinized by Jack Carr and similar podcasters. There is a robust boarding manifests of Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express somewhat speculative but definitely worthy of being reviewed, (one that includes Clinton and a host of other swamp creatures, similar in status to the critters on James Reece’s list). Nor will they shed light on the “untouchables” among those with connections to Epstein; those who own and operate the companies and organizations that promote the unsanctioned US military adventures and mercenary exploits around the globe. Many political organizations, industries and foreign nations, like Israel (including their Zionist agents among the AIPAC lobby), the House of Saud and others continue to thrive under this obscurity and under the “War on Terror” that is so prominently used to justify many unconstitutional actions of the CIA and the US military.

U.S. Senator Frank Church’s Ominous Warnings About the U.S. Spy State in 1975

Pimping for Pedophiles

Anyone, like Jack Carr, who have a prominent platform, instead of making the connections between powerful special interest influence on domestic and foreign policy (the elephant in every room) and helping others to do so, are serving the interests of those in positions of power; directly by proving them access to their platforms or forever directing the narratives into the two-party paradigm that will forever obscure reality. We see this in Carr’s interview with Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr. As it relates to war profiteering, he is playing the “might makes right” side of the Just War Theory, which is the Hegelian Dialectic theory that helps to ensure all war making is perceived by the masses to be ethically moral and justified. They do this by keeping the conversation limited between “pacifists” and “realist” thinking, while never really addressing the conflicts of interests or problems with the narratives that both sides advance.

As an example, from the left, we see this effect on the way a true anti-war activist, like Cindy Sheehan, gets shunned by the liberal community (perceived “pacifists”), who cheer for more bombings in places such as Syria and Ukraine).

Note from Cindy: This piece is five years old, but supports my contention therein that Demo-liberals would rather have World War III and a defective person like Biden in the White House than admit their party is complicitly corrupt.

Actors and Other Useful Idiots for Empire, Liberal Hollywood Begs for Nuclear Holocause

by Cindy Sheehan

Similar to what Cindy Sheehan points out in her article about the lack of vision into the corruption of the Democratic leadership, Jack Carr demonstrates this same blind belief in this nation’s Conservative leadership and the justification narratives they use to support US policy and actions. You can see this in his interview with William Barr about his newest book, “One Damn Thing After Another“. See for yourself in that conversation how belittling the interview is to the victims of the high-level crimes that Barr helped to cover up… what he chocks up to “one damn thing after another”. In that book and interview they get to gloss over the many crimes committed by the CIA and other government institutions (like what was officially detailed in the Church Committee report, a report that Carr says he reviewed in researching for his books. I don’t know how you can come away from investigating the Church Committee Report and not get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, or a disdain for the US political establishment and the CIA… for whom Bill Barr was apparently involved with as a consultant to the then CIA Director George Bush Sr.). This interview is also belittling to those who actually pay attention to the revelations from the many other whitewashed crimes committed by our government; those that Barr talks about helping the government to “manage” (i.e. cover-up and remain unaccountable for).

There have been numerous cases that, apparently by his own emissions, William Barr helped to redirect attention from and/ or cover up. (Like the Savings and Loan scandal that went way deeper than just financial and into child trafficking, rape and abuse… and even into the probable political assassination of an investigator who was appointed by Senator Loran Schmidt to look into the Franklin child abuse case).

No, Jack Carr and the cadre’ of retired special operators are becoming quite successful in advancing the spec-ops mythos in ways that a character like James Reece would not be proud of. Instead of compiling lists to expose high level criminals and conspirators through their podcasts, they are giving these criminals access to their platforms to speak from where they can field softball questions and belittle their critics. (Attorney’s General, like Bill Barr, I think are traditionally “fix-it” men for the powers that be. We see this on the left with people such as Eric Holder, who was the cover-up man for the administration that committed treason through the ATF Gun-Walk scandal). The whole process helps these criminals to build their undeserved credibility. In the case of this military propaganda phenomenon, led by former spec-ops soldiers, we see the infantilizing of a growing army of metrosexual militant “fanbois“; those who are lovers of all things military and “tactical”,… very well outfitted with the latest and greatest equipment, sporting perfectly manicured spec-ops beards and wearing tight t-shirts that showcase their 24hr. fitness gym muscles. (Unfortunately, scrutinizing our leadership is not high on the priority list for these indoctrinated assets to the prevailing narratives).

Fanboi – Someone who is hopelessly devoted to something and will like anything associated with their particular thing.

UrBan Dictionary

The Two-Party Political Mind Fuck

To give an example of how the two-party mind-fuck works I would like to present this interview of Jack Carr on Tucker Carlson, where Carr responds to the critics of the Terminal List. In true “woke” fashion the liberal pundits provide criticism that is in line with the appearance of opposition to the war propaganda and focuses on the danger of empowering the “unhinged, right-wing conspiracy” crowd. Carr’s response to the criticism is to stand up for the credibility of the show and its community of supporters (me being one of them), characterizing the critiques as the traditional liberal (hates guns, flags, etc…). We do get some good rebuttal in the statement Carr makes about military leadership “failing forward”, which we see represented in the Admiral character, who gets his “come-upins” in the show. Unfortunately, the take-away of the conversation does not get deep or advance recognition past the standard “left vs. right” banter. (1/2 the nation thinks anyone who is critical of our left leadership is a right-wing conspiracy theorist while the other 1/2 thinks that anyone critical of right leadership is a gun, military, flag-hating pansy who loves communism. NO WAY could there be anyone outside these perception parameters who might have some legitimate, well considered perspectives that would appropriately seek accountability of our political and military leadership… preferably in ways that don’t circumvent the common law and the right to due process).

What the conversation does is keep the infantilizing process of two-party statecraft in play. Perhaps a well-reasoned critique might use the first scenes in the show, where the team is tasked with bringing in a chemical weapons terrorist out of Syria, to talk about our involvement in Syria all together; an involvement that the liberal left is in full support of despite the fact that there has been no “due process” of international law or invitation by the nation of Syria to legitimize our presence in that country. Nor is there solid evidence of chemical weapons use to support liberal and conservative supported bombing campaigns in that country. Unfortunately, all criticism is focused on the narratives, from both sides, that detract from what is being eloquently revealed in the Terminal List series; that there are conspirators in the REAL-WORLD, notably among those with power and influence, who seek to gain financially and otherwise at the expense of the average citizen and, in a BIG way, through the indoctrinated soldiers in the US Military. I think this particular series just falls a bit short of detailing the extent of the problem or the underlying motivations. (Yes Vergina, there is a global cabal of pedophiles running this nation… and this world! And you don’t have to be a “right-wing” conspiracy nut to recognize this).

In a more serious interview with Tucker Carlson on the situation in Afghanistan, following the recent “withdraw” of forces, Carr does provide good insight into the state of mind of the average US veteran who is conflicted and, perhaps, prone to self-destruction after seeing his or her efforts in the region rendered futile.

Unfortunately, however, the conversation falls short of bringing attention to the underlying issue that makes the efforts in the “War on Terror” entirely futile. In reality, it is based on collusion between both left and right parties and most serves the interests of global industry, the social and monied elite and the nation of Israel. Get to the heart of this problem and the tenuous/ critically flawed justifications for the War on Terror and, perhaps, there can be some clarity and REAL healing for our war-weary veterans.

In Faux News interviews, or on any platform, Carr avoids the more serious criticisms that I and other deep researchers present. It will never be the case that he, or others with similar platforms, will bring interviewees on their podcast that could truly challenge him on his views about military engagements under the “War on Terror”. (I am certainly not suggesting that he pick interviewees from the low hanging fruit amongst the liberal pool of pundits, whose viewpoints are the dialectic opposite; a move that someone like Jordan Peterson might use to get his army of supporters cheering while he picks apart the douche-laden perceptions of the traditional liberal mouthpiece. Rather, I suggest he interview someone like Venessa Beely, Brandon Smith, Christopher Bollyn or Ryan Dawson; those who can speak intelligently from a non-partisan perspective on the matters of public policy and war doctrines. These interviewees WILL bring up the elephant in the room; which is why you will NEVER see Ryan Dawson invited by Carr, in a similar interview to his interview with William Barr, to talk about any of his books, such as “The Separation of Business and State” or “Welcome to the USSA“. A person like Carr doesn’t want to really be challenged on his views. That would be bad for business).

Rayan Dawson’s Expose’ of US Establishment, Including Bill Barr

As a writer who seems to want to bring a higher level of authenticity in his writing, Carr should appreciate what Ryan Dawson details in his videos; particularly where he outlines the connections between prominent US politicians and US leaders and Jeffrey Epstein. The connections Ryan presents on his Jeffrey Epstein crime map are jaw dropping!

Sex trafficking, slavery, rape and pedophilia: Jeffrey Epstein’s crime map — Puppet Masters …

Much like in the Terminal List, these connections wreak of collusion between heads of state and private security contractors, includes various “untouchables” and fix-it men. All of this is great fodder for characters in a novel series such as the Terminal List. (I think it is the case that truth is truly stranger than fiction).

William Barr’s connections are detailed at the 25:44 mark. Apparently, Barr’s father, Donald Barr (an officer in the OSS; the predecessor organization to the CIA) was responsible for hiring the underqualified and uncertified, Jeffrey Epstein, as a math teacher at Dalton School. (Donald Barr was the headmaster at the school at this time). Interestingly, and perhaps a little predictive, in 1973 Donald Barr’s father wrote a science fiction novel titled “Space Relations“. The plot of this novel includes a similar child-trafficking and abuse situation in it to what Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell had going on and were both convicted for.

William Barr-DC “Fix-it” man

One Amazon Review of Donald Barr’s book “Space Relations”:

I have a copy of this book. It is a really badly written book whose only excuse seems to be to refer to human trafficking and sex slavery either as an appeal to prurient interests – in which case it fails, or to relate reminiscences in fiction, or possibly as a payoff, because the dialogue and connecting thoughts are lacking, as well as any real plot even after half the book is read.

The writer seems to like putting everything in terms of girls, and boys, and children, even when the scenes do not necessarily (but often do) involve kids. So while for instance the 14 year old girl getting raped in the first few chapters is really supposed to be 14, the hero of the book in danger of being sodomized – ‘bend down kid and make it good’ (sic) is not supposed to be a kid. It is that way throughout the book. They are either labeled like they are children (the queen was a ‘child’), or actually boys or girls. So it pretty much starts with the word “naked” and goes down from there.

It is pretty shocking a headmaster of a school would write this junk. It’s not the only low grade sf story out there with this non-writing in it – but they are always bad reads. exploitation novel at best, says something about the writer regardless.

Amazon “Space Relations” Customer Review

A True-Life SEAL Victim of Military Adventurism and Mercenary Criminality and the Connection Between Mary Kay Letourneau and… Blackwater? Huh???

The names of those written up on Dawson’s “Epstein Crime Map” have connections to murders and mayhem, pedophilia and even the very disturbing death of the former US Navy SEAL, Scotty Helveston (a guy who I actually knew quite well during the time when we were both in SEAL tactical training). Watch this chalk board video on the Schmitz Bush Crime Families and see the connection between Mary Kay Letourneau and Blackwater lawyers who defended the company against Scotty Helveston’s family in their wrongful death lawsuit.

Could there be a specific reason why Scotty Helveston’s family would not receive a favorable outcome in their wrongful death lawsuit against Eric Prince’s Blackwater? Helveston’s death continues to be a very well-known death that helped to build support for the war in Iraq. It also continues to be a death I think is suspicious for its utility to the 2003 Iraq war narrative… a narrative that was otherwise found to be quite fraudulent in many ways that should have led to high level prosecutions. As we have witnessed, high level accountability is not at all what we got with George W. Bush and his fellow criminal conspirators. As such, this is NOT what would be expected in the case against a very well-connected private security company like Blackwater. Not only does Blackwater founder, Eric Prince’s connections to industry and government power brokers run deep, (Focus on the Family/ Amway and brother to Trump’s Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos) but so does the connections of their lawyers; one of whom happens to be Mary kay Letourneau’s brother.

The John Schmitz family appears to be among so many other prominent families of powerful pedophile power brokers who are at the helm of this Juggernaut that keeps us all in a state of dependence and impotence.

SANTA ANA, Calif. — Carla Stuckle, the mother of two illegitimate children by State Sen. John Schmitz (Mary Kay Letourneau’s father) pleaded innocent today to one count of felony child neglect involving one of the infants.

Mrs. Stuckle, 43, who was ordered to report for a Aug. 23 preliminary hearing in Municipal Court, lost custody of her 13-month-old son last month after doctors discovered the boy had hair wrapped so tightly around his penis that it was nearly severed and required extensive reconstructive surgery.

It should be noted that this is just the tip of the iceberg! The Schmitz family and the Barr family are just two lesser-known families, similar to (intermixed/interbred with?) the Bush and Clinton crime families. The connections detailed in Dawson’s exposes are quite interesting and damning. Even if these connections aren’t enough to convince anyone of high-profile elite criminality (of the worst kind!), there is more than enough evidence out there like this to warrant honest investigation, (NOT just investigation in the interest of good storytelling that takes place at home whilst hiding from a virus under questionable circumstances and unconstitutional mandates). There is more than enough information out there to challenge the favorable views of our political and military leadership and to criticize the current state of the nation and its BIPARTISAN support of toxic foreign and domestic policies under the “Ware (of) Terror” and the “Patriot Act”. It is past time for those with these prominent platforms to start taking on interviews with those who offer REAL and credible criticism of the establishment. It’s time to start asking the prominent leaders (like Bill Barr), who are invited onto their media platforms, the tough, hard ball questions. While this might not be good for business and will be met with insurmountable resistance (similar to the resistance levied against James Reece and the reporter in the show); THIS is the way you serve your military brotherhood!

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