On The Matter of Andrew Yang- Part 1

I was recently brow beat into reviewing this conversation between Andrew Yang and Ben Shapiro, after sharing my contrarian opinion to the prevailing perception of the conversation without actually viewing it. The perceived view by the person who shared this video, and others, who watched it, was that it was a “well thought out and productive conversation between two individuals with seemingly opposing viewpoints; which brought out some interesting ideas on subjects that nobody else is talking about”. A quick investigation into the biography of Yang and Shapiro was revealing enough to show me that these two are just a couple more in a long and distinguished list of charlatans pushing the same, toxic globalization agenda. What I discovered was more than enough for me to call bullshit on Yang’s credibility and altruistic intentions. But, seemingly under duress, I decided it was necessary to go deeper into the conversation and elaborate on my perceptions. So, here it is… (there was much to the conversation that required a great deal of attention so I broke it into 3 parts).

Part 1- The 4th Industrial Revolution and Why it Should Scare the Shit Out of You!… and the Enslaving Reality of the “Freedom Dividend”.

Part 2- The Health Care Industrial Revolution as Andrew Yang Sees It… With His Eyes Closed

Part 3- The Spiritual Assault from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Industrial Revolutions

Part 1- The 4th Industrial Revolution and Why it Should Scare the Shit Out of You!… and the Enslaving Reality of the “Freedom Dividend”.

The 4th Industrial Revolution

Just in the first 5 minutes I already had a major issue with the way the conversation was going. This is the Wikipedia definition of “4th Industrial Revolution”...

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres, collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems.[1] It is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), decentralized consensus, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), additive manufacturing/3D printing and fully autonomous vehicles.” (You might pay particular attention to the “decentralized consensus” with Yang).

The fact that Yang sees this 4th Industrial Revolution as inevitable and ignores all the driving factors that have led us toward this “SkyNet” (LINK) reality is telling. How are we to ignore all the massive investments of public monies and the regulatory steps that have been taken to drive wireless technology and the “Internet of Things” ; all the massive investments from government (massively so with the military) and tech companies into educational institutions to focus the research; in places like at NYU, which is at the “tip of the spear” for Skynet.

What about the historic revelations with the technocracy agenda, its eugenic roots and its connections to extraction industry and tech companies (like IBM, and GE where Yang’s daddy “held over 69 patents”) https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/ ). ). Beyond this there is the global investments and interests in this 4th Industrial Revolution through international industry and government collaborations at the World Economic Forum.

I see no conversation concerning the public health issues associated with wireless technologies (which, if fully recognized, would stop most of this toxic 4th Generation development in its tracks). It is difficult to describe how disappointing it is that none of this is a concern for anyone… especially for those who know me and pretend to listen to my near constant dissemination of credible research on the dangers of microwave radiation to human health.

The “Freedom Dividend”

When Yang speaks of his “Freedom Dividend” (what a concerning play on words) he cites the dividend system in Alaska as an example. At one point in the conversation he mentions that the Alaska dividend is tied to a resource, but doesn’t go into any detail about that resource. As we learn in the link on the Alaska state website, those dividends are from profits made from the exploitation of Alaska’s vast mineral resources.

“The Alaska Department of Revenue, Permanent Fund Dividend Division is responsible for determining applicant eligibility for the distribution of an annual dividend that is paid to Alaska residents from investment earnings of mineral royalties. The annual payment allows for Alaskans to share in a portion of the State minerals revenue in the form of a dividend to benefit current and future generations. Eligibility to receive a Permanent Fund Dividend is defined by the Alaska Legislature through Statute and Regulation. The dividend calculation is based on the number of eligible Alaskan applicants in a dividend year and half of the statutory net income averaged over the five most recent fiscal years. The available funds are also reduced by prior-year dividend obligations, PFD operation expenses, and other state agency program appropriations. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation is responsible for investment of the fund’s principal balance.”

How much do you think the average person, receiving such a dividend, is going to align themselves with any effort to curb that exploitation when it is discovered to be toxic to the environment and human health? What about the conflict of interest issues this brings up? You can see plenty of this with how public lands are managed and the toxic relationship that has been built between government and industry. Case after case around the world has shown that the rural communities are the ones to suffer the consequences of exploitation; as their landscapes and lives are drastically changed and “regionalized” to fit the corporate model of international trade. In Alaska, you might suspect that the dividends tied to resource exploitation industries is a very useful way to silence dissent. (If you want a historic example of such a model played out to its end, you might look to the beaver industry and the tribes that were brought to the peak of civilized prosperity and then impoverished to the point of becoming wards of the state.)
Satan’s Trifecta – Tech Industry + Mining Industry + Armament Industry = LOVE
Yang states that his base for a “Freedom Dividend” would be tied to “technology”; which, given the many different kinds of technology there is out there, is pretty vague. I suppose it would be defined by everything mentioned in the definition of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The question I ask is, what does technology depend on? Until such a time as we can be reduced from 3 dimensional to 2 dimensional beings, the tech industry is going to heavily rely on raw materials. In this way, the tech industry is very much tied to the same mining and other resource industries. Therefore, this “Freedom Dividend” is virtually the same thing as all the rest… and more.

What happens when the resources that drive the technology are depleted in one area? Well, I guess then we come up with new technology to exploit another resource or exploit the same resource in another area. Strategic mineral exploitation is a driving factor in much of the contentions we see around the world. (Where do you think the Petrodollar comes from?) We already have a “tail wagging the dog” kind of relationship between the US Government, the US Military and the armament industry (significantly so in the Middle East with their Israel contracts; in a place where they can test their products on those sub-human Palestinians (LINK). The armament industry is very much tied to the resource exploitation industry. This relationship would certainly be a factor in the oil and mineral rich nation of Venezuela; where our National Endowment for Democracy (LINK) has been hard at work for many years spreading more of that sweet democracy to those poor victims of Maduro’s “socialism”.

4th Industrial Revolution Hits Home

When I think of 4th Industrial Revolution and its mineral dependence I think of the Midas Gold project on the South Fork of the Salmon River. In the promotion of their project to mine the strategic mineral antimony (LINK), they sell themselves on this project’s ability to support the development of “green energy”, military armaments to “protect this nation” and technology in general. (My Blog Post on Midas Gold).  In their marketing mix they have included contracts with the surrounding communities that are tied to profit sharing (Riggins being one of those cities that have signed on; McCall NOT being one of them… thanks to the efforts of IRU) It’s a deal that softens the blow to the locals who will see their communities change significantly to meet the industries expectations. (Similar to what has been experienced by the rural communities in North Dakota). No worries though I guess. I’m sure, as the strategic mineral dependent infrastructure to support the 4th Industrial Revolution is put in place and maintained, there will always be rich city folk, working in the high rises at Silicon Valley, who will want to come raft down the “ONCE-wild and scenic” Salmon River Inc.

Actually, I think the nations of Saudi Arabia and other nations in the Middle East provide their citizens with dividends based on their nation’s oil revenues. I wonder if they also call them “Freedom Dividends”?


Other than having a chance to observe in detail what Yang’s proposals are and then explain in more detail where I am coming from and why I think Andrew Yang would be a horrible choice for a president and why his Ideas are so destructive, I gained very little from watching the Andrew Yang interview. I find it extremely discouraging that all the information I encourage people to consider is not being considered by friends, family or otherwise.; information that would preempt the kind of uncritical acceptance of the destructive ideas associated with Yang and the 4th Industrial Revolution.  It leaves me feeling like there is less hope of humanity elevating from the prison matrix that is being built around us; and that which is being built with our own willing participation.

There is a new book out from one of my favorite authors and activists, Julian Rose. It’s called “Overcoming the Robotic Mind“. I look forward to giving it a read and I highly encourage others to read this as well. (Stand by for Part 2).

Title: Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must
Come Through
Author: Julian Rose

Between the Covers of Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through – is a cornucopia of vital information which will combine to dispel the illusions of the unaware and put in place a lucid vision of another way forward for mankind.

Drawing upon his highly diverse experiences as an actor, organic farming pioneer, political activist, broadcaster, social entrepreneur, holistic educator and international campaigner, Julian Rose presents a compelling view of the way to break-through the destructive patterns of our consumer obsessed society, challenging his audience to recognize life’s bigger picture and to think and act ‘outside the box’.
Using an essay style to explore and expose a wide range of contemporary planetary concerns, he calls for a rise in consciousness, so that individuals can fully participate in building a better future together. The book’s title: Overcoming the Robotic Mind, concerns the author’s expose of the anti-life position of the Transhumanist agenda. An agenda that promotes the notion that computer power will soon take-over control of the human mind.
Through the channeling of reawakened energies into a process of root and branch socio-economic reform and spiritual uplift, Julian Rose foresees a renaissance of ‘bottom-up’ creative endeavour which can directly challenge the failed status quo; reshape our planetary existence and lead to a deeper and more subtle relationship being formed between man and nature, as well as between fellow human beings.
Quite simply: you are invited to jump-in at the deep end – and start swimming with energies that reinvigorate your very soul and shine a beacon of light on the road ahead.


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